In this session we will focus on basic skill development and gross motor skills for the foundation of the sport. We will lead your daughter through a series of stations and activities that will keep them moving, engaged, and most importantly having FUN!!
Softball is one of least expensive sports to play recreationally! It is an excellent way for your daughter to meet new friends, build self esteem and physical literacy. Join us and see what it is all about!
Please have your daughter bring a Water Bottle, Indoor Runners and a Smile! If your daughter has a glove, bat and/or batting helmet they can absolutely bring it with them, if not do not stress! Tell them to dress in comfortable clothing (leggings and a t-shirt work great!)
Softball, or as we like to call it FASTPITCH, is an exciting sport that not only offers great exercise but teaches teamwork while building confidence and lifelong friendships. It is unique in that it is the only sport where players are just as much cheerleaders as they are athletes! GIRL POWER!!! Nose Creek Softball offers community level softball programs from ages 4-19 for various levels of play. We are a non-profit, volunteer-led, district association, under Calgary Minor Softball, Softball Alberta and Softball Canada. In the last few years, many of us have suffered financial difficulties, but don't worry, we have resource partners that will help get you or your daughter(s) on the field! We also have been known to offer the lowest fees in the city for our sport! Wait! You don't reside within our district? Check out Calgary Minor Softball Association for programs in your area! Just click HERE.